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9dp5dt symptoms success stories forum ivf baby

I just wanted to give some hope to those who have had your transfers recently or are beginning your journey. 9 but I lost it a few days later. This was my first round of IVF. DH: 35 years old. May 25, 2018 at 7:57 AM. Aug 5, 2014 at 6:39 AM. D&E at 16 weeks. My brother-in-law we just found out only had success during fresh transfers, not frozen, which has me nervous to start my May 25, 2018 · 3dp3dt - Need Success Stories! RedLeaf21. 5. I might even pick up some more FRER tests. Today I did my second beta and it was only 78. 2/3 of my high grades embryos were abnormal and never could have been a baby ☹️ treatments were such a sucker punch. I also had my first FET fail a few months ago and now starting round 2. Feb 13 @ 17w0d - Doppler check with HR of 155bpm! IPS results also in - normal! Oct 21, 2021 · JYN0912. Baby B at 7w0d with HR of 123bpm! Dec 18 ultrasound @ 8w6d - Baby A still at 6w5d - VTS . The nurse that called me didn’t even want to tell me it was positive because she said it was lower than they like to & usually see. how many fertilised- 11. Baby B at 9w0d with HR of 171bpm! Jan 15 ultrasound @ 12w6d - Baby at 13w2d! With a HR of 154bpm! Super active oh my . Jan 8, 2021 · 2. Feb 5, 2024 · I am 9dp5dt too! Symptoms - sore boobs and cramps every now and then not so much in last few days but nothing to report back. I just graduated on Tuesday from my clinic at 10 weeks pregnant. Apr 2, 2013 · A forum community dedicated to infertility and fertility support. Jun 7, 2018 · Fresh transfer of two 3-day embryo’s. 94. hey ladies! I will be starting my first ivf cycle in mid June/early July depending on how quick we can get started. Sunday 9/25 - 6DP5DT. . I had the same low hCG with my first IVF cycle last year, started low and not doubling (16 on 12 dpo, 22 on 16 dpo), then doubled correctly, then slowed again, and finally I ended up m/c'ing in my 10th week. I just tested with morning urine and line is darker than previous one. April 2014 FET - BFN Third IVF Cycle. Come join the discussion about ovulation, donors, surrogacy, spirituality, therapy, medication, self help, treatment, and more! Show Less IVF Support Group. I was hoping there were people on here with a similar experience that had success with lower first numbers! Thank you so much in advance and good luck to all the mamas In IVF or FET Pregnancy. Felt strange 19dpt and Beta was 3006. It would be nice to compare notes and share experiences. how many transfered and quality- 1, day 5 blasto (3 embies on ice) symptoms in 2ww- very sore and heavy (. IVF #2 my eggs/Manada's uterus January/February 2014. I’ve never had anything other than stark whites TTC Since 6/12 regular periods with annovulation DH S/A healthy Hormones normal-all unexplained IF currently 10/12 50mg of clomid-no response-BFN 11/12 100mg of clomid-1 mature follicle-IUI #1=BFN 12/8/12 clear HSG 12/12 100mg of clomid-2 mature follicles-IUI #2=BFN 1/13 5mg femara un-monitored TI, BFN 2/13 7. Micharby. Best of luck! Jul 15, 2011 · Then, I skipped 1cycle of clomid but I ovulated and we proceed onto our first IUI but not successful. Hi,My wife and myself planning to take the Donor egg route. Are there any success stories with this low of a beta? Or am I looking at a possible chemical? Prior to this we did IUI and I ended up with an ectopic (13dpiui - beta was 32 and 15dpiui - beta was 67). Hoping to start our second round soon. I got my first bfp at 5 days past in the evening and every day since still positive (after a Feb 1, 2017 · Symptoms: strong sense of smell, very tired, tugging/pulling/small cramps, sore breasts, and heartburn. I’m 31 with fibroids and an AMH of 2. Jan 29, 2018 · CourtneyJeanne1. Jan 17, 2024 · Has anybody had any success starting off with a low beta? Hi, so I had my first beta today 10dpt and it was 35. 15dp5dt 128. For me it took 2 retrievals and one FET (I did Pgs testing) for my take home baby. That’s why blood tests r more accurate. 7dpt- 12 9dpt- 52 Seems like a strong rise and the 9dpt beta seems in line with success stories I've read on here, but we tested on an easy@home strip we had this morning (10dpt, 18 hrs after blood draw) and the line was somewhat faint (was not first pee though). First beta 9dp5dt=110; Second beta 11dp5dt=269; Third beta 13dp5dt=685. on day 9 past 5 day transfer, we got our HCG levels and they were 20Doctor said he wants to see it over 50, and to wait until friday to see if the HCG doubles. It takes a while for your urine to excrete the high hcg. With the support of resources like our Gay Parents To Be program and an expert third party reproduction team . Pregnancy Week 42. July 2014 Fresh - 1st Beta 105 (TG) 9dp5dt. Jun 28, 2021 · The only ‘symptom’ I had was ‘zings’ for a day or two post-transfer. I had lots of symptoms last time (bloating, food aversion, nausea) really early, but waited for my 10dp blood hcg (over 500). With my BFN cycle (prometrium supps) I had very swollen, sore boobs. Baby #1 hcg20@9dp5dt. 5PM - peed and noticed blood after wiping, just a little. This give me hope. Also, I was just reading an article on the gender of the baby having an effect on HCG levels. I was initially discouraged, since I didn’t read many success stories of low betas, and Oct 8, 2022 · Advertisement. For 4 weeks it’s something like 10-750. I hope you have success soon. My clinic told me to continue meds and I’ll retest Friday to see if the levels double, but to prepare for a chemical pregnancy. Jun 1, 2018 · Symptoms: strong sense of smell, very tired, tugging/pulling/small cramps, sore breasts, and heartburn. Feb 28, 2017 at 2:54 PM. Below is my line progression from 6dp5dt to 10dp5dt. Just reassure yourself no matter what, 9dp5dt, most people do not have any symptoms at all! Aug 7, 2018 · Pregnancy Week 40. All cycles have been with PGT embryos that are normal (first 4 were BB, BB-, BC, BC) all resulted in a BFN. Big hugs to you…it’s so dang hard. Hi all, I just wanted to share this in case anyone was looking, like me (desperately), for success stories from others who transferred Day 3 embryos. 2 ERs and 1 FET done, but no baby yet. I went in two days later (11dp5dt) with a beta of 43. I got my 9dp5dt transfer beta back and it was low at 19. I started spotting at 9dp5dt, light pink, sometimes brown. I do not understand why this keeps happening. babii_luv. baby2024ontheway. I informed my clinic and they had me go in on 9dp5dt and checked my beta which came in at 111. I’ve had two successful single FET’s in a row. Our clinic does 9dp5dt tests and they want you to have a Apr 17, 2022 · Low beta success stories IVF. Low hcg (40) at 9dp5dt - posted in IVF/FET/IUI Cycle Buddies: I had my first beta today at 9dp5dt (FET) and it came back at 40. I’m dying to test but my husband wants me to wait for our BETA and the logical part of me also thinks I should!! I’m having a lot of symptoms! My embryo was completely hatched the morning on the transfer and 1 day after I started having spasms in my pelvic floor! Apr 2, 2013 · A forum community dedicated to infertility and fertility support. Jun 3, 2022 · I’m 4weeks2days. Sep 15 - 3rd Beta - 43066 25dp3dt DS is born the 4th of May 2013 and we are so smitten! Project Sibling. Galliana. Did a fresh 3 day transfer, put 2 embryos and one took. I got a faint positive. Jan 25, 2011 · Dec 5 ultrasound @ 7w0d - Baby A at 6w5d but no HR detected . But our clinic does have just as high success rates for a FET as a fresh cycle. I had a blighted ovum 6 years ago. Beta 7dp5dt success stories please!! Just got my beta back it is 27. Tested positive in FRERs up to and including beta beginning at 5dp5dt. ), very emotional, huge break out in spots, cramping after day 4 Dec 9, 2016 · Hi Ladies! I'm going through my first round of IVF and am doing an embryo transfer on Wednesday. Jul 15, 2011 · Then, I skipped 1cycle of clomid but I ovulated and we proceed onto our first IUI but not successful. Any success stories? Go to IVF r/IVF • by Carlone08. No morning symptoms. I'm 41 y/o and my first IVF cycle failed: ( My husband and I married 1 year ago, and I had 2 fibroid surgeries within that year so that I could prepare for IVF. Baby#2 hcg 41@9dp5dt. I broke down and took a FRER test yesterday afternoon (8dp5dt) and got a faint positive. But that # is great. Average is just average, reality is a bell curve. I’m anxious about the late positive (I feel like most I see May 2, 2016 · My first beta was 14 on day 11 and my doctor basically told me I would miscarry unless a miracle occurred. Hi. I have been successfully pregnant twice since my first failed IVF attempt. God has bless us with a beautiful miracle. My husband and I just went through our first cycle of IVF and it was a mini cycle so they were only able to retrieve 8 eggs and unfortunately only 1 fertilized and made it to 8 cells so we transferred on day 3 to give it’s best chance in utero. Sep 28, 2023 · That's not low at all. 9dpt was 125. My beta was today for my FET and it is exceedingly low, 9. Jan 22, 2022 · I was shocked when I had such low betas. Apr 27, 2024 at 7:04 AM. Kurzz10. Anyway, the rests are history now. my husband is away and I have literally no self-control - I've been an anxious mess and didn't realise how difficult these two weeks would be. Beta at 9dp5dt was 57! I’ve stopped testing past 10dp5dt but my next beta isn’t until 15dp5dt because it’s a long weekend here! Any success stories with similar lines and a starting beta of 57 or there abouts? My clinic wasn’t too worried which was a good sign. I am 31 year old male and my dear Wife is 29. I even tested early in order to ‘prepare myself’ for the disappointment I was going to feel on official test day. Second attempt then suceeded although I do not have a strong pregnant instinct as compared to my 1st IUI. I started Age- 28 DX- DOR TTC 1 year (found out about DOR after a mc) 1st IVF cycle 20ish follicles 13 eggs 11 fertilized 3 made it to day 5 2 transferred, one frozen, all fair quality (CC) No symptoms BFP Aug 5, 2014 · 8dp5dt. Some backstory. The nurse told me that the doctor said I was at risk for miscarriage but she also stated they had one person start at 9. Jan 3, 2019 · Jan 3, 2019 at 10:24 PM. First one - 268, 2nd one but 4 days later due to weekend 1159. 23dp5dt 1467. I'm doing another draw in 4 days and have some cheap tests that pick up at 25 that I'm planning on using this weekend to see if it rises enough to get picked up. Clinic said I’m in the game but they aren’t thrilled with this number. Has anyone else not had symptoms after transfer and still got a BFP? Hey there ladies!A brief background on us. I had a chemical pregnancy in April from our first FET and a canceled cycle in June because of my high estrogen levels. But so far, no bleeding.  I know chances are slim, but has anyone else had lower HCG on 9dp5dt and made it full Feb 9, 2024 · 7dp5dt my hcg was 10, so it HAS doubled.  I know chances are slim, but has anyone else had lower HCG on 9dp5dt and made it full High-Tech Methods for Getting Pregnant - IVF, ICSI, FET IVF success stories! Feb 28, 2017 · Over 40 IVF Success Stories Please! K. After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success! My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia. 1st transfer ended in a biochemical pregnancy at 14 days past transfer. , only one blastocyst. None were late implanters either as i was getting positive frers at 5dpt. They’d happen at random for less than 10 seconds. LeeHarper5 · 08/10/2022 18:44. Sharp random cramps. Come join the discussion about ovulation, donors, surrogacy, spirituality, therapy, medication, self help, treatment, and more! Show Less Oct 29, 2022 · IVF pregnancy, currently 6w5d. Good morning ladies. I started testing 3dpt and got my Hey everyone! We transfered 2 blasts grade 3ca. It was 40. I've had 2 IUIs (failed in 2019), 1 natural pregnancy that ended in MC (2019), then finally moved on to IVF. Oct 12, 2020 · 5dp5dt Symptoms! I’m 5 days post my 5 day FET with PGS testing. They wanted 150+. It was 98. My transfer was on August 18th. I'm 41, 2 months from 42. Sooooo nervous. The nurse said that was a great jump and I will need to schedule an ultrasound for next tuesday. Today i am technically 19dpo. Pandemic derailed our plans so we didn't actually Jan 4, 2024 · Hi everyone,I had my frozen transfer on 12/20 and found out I was pregnant 5dp5dt (first response and clearblue tests). Update: Low Beta 9dp5dt. May 2, 2018 · Just had embryo transfer today and my beta is on 12/18. My HCG wasn't doubling every 3 days like it should in the early days: 4w1d 142 4w3d 248 4w6d 289 (after this was told to expect to miscarry due to slow increase) 5w2d 547 Kept having blood tests and ultrasounds and eventually it started rising faster. I'm 34F, partner 36M. For anyone reading this May 10, 2013 · OHSS Symptoms 8 and 9dp5dt???? - posted in IVF/FET/IUI Cycle Buddies: Hi Ladies, I am wondering if anyone has experience some OHSS bloating symptoms after a 5 day transfer? I am 9 days past a 5 day transfer (well if I am really techinical at 1pm today I will be 9 days past) of two great embryos. Lower than "Average" for each test but well within the range. March 2011: m/c . I’m officially freaking out and my doctor scheduled me to come back on Jan 2nd. " After the BFP is when I started to get really bloated, and feel more twinges and Mar 18, 2022 · IVF 9DP5DT line progression. Feb 18, 2016 at 6:08 AM. update:7dp - 109dp - 2212dp - 3914dp - 70 Saturday 9/24 - 5DP5DT. May 7, 2013 · April 2010: BFP - Sadly Baby diagnosed with Cystic Hygoma and Trisomy 21. I haven’t had any symptoms so far. Feb 27, 2014 · Posted 27 February 2014 - 12:07 PM. I had my 5 day frozen embryo transfer on Saturday and have my first beta on October 5. TTC: 12 years Plan A - IVF #1 Jan 2012 Ectopic Plan B - FET #1 July 2012 Embryos didn't make the thaw Plan C - IVF #2 Feb 2013 Brax born December 7th 2013. 5 in ur urine. I am so nervous and trying to Jun 22, 2022 · Jun 21, 2022 at 9:05 PM. ) (. They prepared me for a chemical, then an ectopic and then an early miscarriage. Hi everyone, I decided to cave into my TWW and tested positive yesterday (8dpt). Sorry to hear this ladies. Monday 9/26 - 7DP5DT. 9DP5DT beta results 23. It made me feel better knowing I didn’t loose a “baby” it just never formed. 5 at 9dp5dt. how many IVF cycles until success- very lucky for it to work first time. Mine is 9DPT was 83 and 13DPT 382 for my current and first pregnancy. Day 13 beta was 46 and day 15 was 167! All of which have more than tripled. May 4, 2023 · Very low HCG 9dp5dt. U/S done at 8w, no heartbeat was seen, baby stopped growing. I am just looking for any women who have positive stories to share that started low Feb 7, 2018 · Jan 29/18 - transferred 2 4AA blasts - - ended in a chemical. felt safe to put me on it, and along with tweaks in my protocol, I believe DHEA made a big difference. Last edited 10-08-21. Failed to implant, not enough progesterone as got proper period few days after transfer. I was surprised because I did not know you could start period while taking PIO injections (1ml pee day). the days before I got extremely faint but yesterday it had colour to it and could be seen without squinting unlike the 1s the days before. 1. I decreased the Lupron to 5 units SQ in the A. Caved and POAS at 4. I tested this time (couldn’t take it) and didn’t get a clear positive until 9dp5dt. Dec 18, 2012 · Transfer - 5 day frozen Half my eggs were fertilized normal ivf other half icsi as a test 9 fertilized with icsi and 11 with normal ivf Bfp 5dp5dt Beta 9dp5dt 87 Symptoms - 4dpt 1 small wave of nausea 5dpt slight period type cramps started but not a lot and that was it until nausea started at 6 week's Jul 31, 2018 · I tested out the trigger which was negative on internet cheapie tests a few days before the true positive. Our second fresh ICSI IVF resulted in my DD now almost 2! Only 3 mature eggs but all 3 fertilised and made it to day 5. At 14dp5dt, my HCG raised to 211. For this transfer I asked my clinic to do my HCG blood work at 9 days past transfer and they called me saying my HCG is 23. Jun 12, 2024 · Pregnancy Week 41. Jul 3, 2021 · Jul 13, 2021 at 6:25 PM. I doubled normally until they stopped measuring HCG. The placenta of boys produces less HCG than girls. Jun 28, 2021 · I am just going through 4th IVF. They insisted that I continue the meds and come for beta on 9dp5dt (today) and the result is back and my beta is 12. KBeeK. I am in the wait between my second transfer and finding out if it stuck, so it is nice to see these success stories! I was 34 when we did my retrieval (work paid for cryopreservation, so we decided to do that as a back up plan, which we wound up using), I had 42 retrieved, 32 fertilized, 25 grew and 19 made it to blasts. I'm currently 4 weeks and 6 days along in my 2nd pregnancy. please give me your success stories with low hcg # in the beginning. Apr 20, 2024 · Talk me off a ledge 11dp5dt low positive would love some similar success stories April 09, 2024 | by Charleejade Hi lovely peopleI would love some positive thoughts I had frozen transfer on the 29th of March it was a 4BC embryo I believe I didn’t feel implantation till late on day 4 and had a negative hpt on day 5 but super faint positive day May 4, 2016 · Me: 35 years old. Took pregnancy test today (10dp5dt) and got negative. clinic was happy and said no further testing needed. I’m both excited and terrified and was wondering if you could share your experiences and success stories :) Background on me: hypothalamic amenorrhea so don’t ovulate or get a period on my own, and low amh for Sep 30, 2019 · Sep 30, 2019 at 1:59 PM. I've experienced early loss, and I am terrified. 5mg femara 2 mature follicles, IUI#3 BFN Oct 1, 2021 · Our first fresh ICSI IVF resulted in my DS now 4! I had 8 mature eggs, 5 fertilised and 3 made it to day 5. it's if it doubles in 48-72 hrs. I wanted to share my story for anyone that has experienced something similar. Pregnancy Week 41. MzHope25. Hello, my first round of IVF (FET at recommendation of my doctor) just came up a BFN. Me - 32 DW - 36 DS - 1 Second IVF Cycle. In IVF & IUI. daily. I had a d&c and you are very fertile after, I got pregnant before my next period and she is now a 5 year old. M. Hey everyone! We transfered 2 blasts grade 3ca. b. We are inclining more towards the fresh donor egg route but the costs involved in fresh is almost 30 percent more than frozen. My first fresh IVF back in 2011 brought us DS. Oct 7, 2017 · I drink 40-60 oz of water plus coffee, juice, ect per day. I was almost 39 with AMH of 5. I’m 31 going through my first round of IVF Jun 19, 2024 · IVF 9dp5dt. e. 8. Oct 21, 2021 at 8:32 AM. Emoleeee. Hey folks, hoping anyone could share their experience/thoughts with/on these early beta values. with @Manada: IUI# 1-7 (December 2012- September 2013) all BFN. To summarise; 1st ivf : 8 eggs, 6 mature, 4 fertilised. The test I had taken yesterday was faint but you could see a visible line, tested again this morning but I'm May 9, 2013 · I don't have any 'success story' personally, yet, but I am, like you, just starting my first ever IVF/ICSI cycle. how many follies- 22. Like. Had my first beta last Thursday (4/2) which was 9dp5dt for me. We are unexplained though, not MFI. Boobs are a bit tender. My evening tests (2 hour hold) were always darker than the morning tests! The top was morning and the bottom was evening. followed up 41 hours (21dpt) later and Beta was 3418. I posted my transfer story in the following Reddit post. We then did another egg retrieval cycle and got much higher quality embryos( AA4 , AA5, AA4, AB5)Our last Aug 18, 2017 · I'm almost 13 weeks. mine was 88, 163, 267 within a week so I thought miscarriage. IVF#2 - July 2012 (BFN) Mar 21, 2018 · I’m 7dp5dt testing positive since 5dp5dt. Close to doubling, but not quitealso four days in between. We’ve been trying since July 2019, abd on the IVF route since September 2020. Got my beta hcg level today at 9dp5dt and it's 27. Apr 27, 2024 · 9DP5DT (relief) and Hope. Jul 12, 2023 · So we are on our 6th IVF cycle. This is the 2nd FET but with a PGT euploid. Im devastated. First ivf and hope to be FTM. I am shocked. I was on the long Lupron protocol and I produced a ton of eggs - 19! Hi friends! I got my beta HcG result and it’s 66. Hi Kitty2011 - I hear DHEA isn't for everyone but my Dr. Posted 09-29-15. Feeling super nervous and will keep testing with my mommed strips. Jan 29, 2018 at 3:28 PM. Tried natural, femara, clomid, puregon/follistim, clomid and menopur combo, both the ovidrel and HCG triggers. I had my one and only round of IVF at age 40 and it was successful. I had no implantation or early pregnancy symptoms at all. 1st FET was with an untested embryo that ended in a chemical (9dp5dt beta was 8). Found out I was pregnant in February and am now 18 weeks pregnant. Today 28w4d pregnant with one healthy baby. Currently 16 weeks pregnant with a May 21, 2021 · I went in this morning 9dp5dt & got my beta result of 20 HCG. We are based out of Delhi-NCR and today I take this opportunity to jot down our long and tiring story of… Nov 1, 2014 · ccam member. 1 abd DH is 36 great SA but turned out to have a DFI of 31%. Oct 30, 2013 · Second IVF Cycle. So I gave in today and did a hpt and it was a BFN : ( Im feeling down as I dont know what I am going to do now this was my 4th cycle and no frozen embies out of 22 fertilized so I will have to do this all over and I dont think its going to work as my RE says it may be something with my egg quality Mine was 53 today. 2nd Beta 1150 14dp5dt Apr 25, 2021 · This is my second FET, the last one ended in miscarriage around 8w. October 2014. At 9dp5dt, I had a low beta of 20. August 31 Fresh- 1st Beta 265 (TG) 11dp3dt. Oct 2010: m/c due to Trisomy #3. Sep 29, 2021 · update: 9dp5dt hcg 20. 5dpt and saw 2 lines for the very first time in my life, POAS every day until second line was darker than control! . Jul 31, 2019 · I'm a success story with fresh transfer. 19dp5dt 470. If u use a FRER it detects 7. Aug 16, 2013 · I just had my beta today at 9 days past a 5 day embryo transfer for IVF#3 (so 14dpo) and it was only 21. my beta has been low. 2. That line was so faint it's barely visible. We had 7 frozen embryos from that cycle which we used 2 of for FETs last year - the first resulting in a cp and the 2nd in a BFN. From all the reading I’ve done (and I’ve done a lot!), it’s all about perseverance. how many eggs- 14. Just a quick background my first FET I did not do any home test for fear of disappointment and I did receive a positive at my beta 11 days later. Then I had mild cramps (like 1/10 of the intensity of period cramps) until around 5-6 weeks. I know that it's not likely that this works out. Jan 21, 2021 · hello, I tested yesterday at 9dp5dt, it was a non medicated fet. May 4, 2023 at 3:35 PM. So I just had my first beta blood test today at 12dp5dt and my HCG was only 40. Ive never had a beta this low. In fact today is my first day on my medication for egg retrieval. We have 3 frozen ambryos; 1 5AA and 2 5AB grade left. I retested around 3am this morning because I woke up needing to pee at that time. 12dp5dt 68. Last edited 03-18-22. Our IVFs: IVF #1 my eggs November/December 2013: Cancelled IVF due to poor response. 82 and my doctor said they were looking for anything above 50 so I am on the low side. : 6 eggs, 4 fertilised, 2 made it to day 3 day transfer but poor quality (5 and 3 cell embryos). 2nd ivf done abroad. Read up about what it is. 17dp5dt 282. My first beta at 11 or 12 days after a 5 day transfer was 119, about where you were at 12 days. Hi - wish I could give some advice but I had a chemical pregnancy but I had no symptoms. If I have learnt anything, reading in to symptoms is causing me significant stress! Including the idea that I haven’t started my period because of progesterone. Tests in the morning after a 4ish hour hold are negative and afternoon test with probably a 2-3 hour hold have the faint positive. I’m starting to worry because my last 2 failed transfers I also got positives when testing at home and a positive first beta but my beta would not double. Other than that, the only other ‘symptom’ I had starting around 4 weeks was feeling my pulse in my uterus. With my BFP (PIO) I really didn't have any other symptoms other than the early cramping and a bit of "lightning crotch. Sep 8 - 2nd Beta 8751 18dp3dt. U/S done at 7w, heartbeat was seen, 88bpm, on low side and baby is measuring one week behind still. Night time sharp cramps like period. At Illume Fertility, we are proud to offer family-building options for all. Please be sensitive and kind. afraid to test today!! any good stories after a faint so late? Is there a post somewhere with stories of first cycle IVF successes? I'm so new to this and it just seems that there are so many that have failed IVFs the… Jul 29, 2022 · The range for normal is so large. k. This is my 2nd transfer. On 06/11 i had my first fresh transfer (I am 44 years old, so we transferred 3 embryos, not tested). For what it’s worth, many people need multiple ivf cycles for their take home baby. My fertility doctor suggested fresh day 3 transfer without genetic testing. There are so many different paths to parenthood, including IUI, IVF, surrogacy, adoption, and using an egg, sperm, or embryo donor. I think when I was pregnant with my now 2 year old son they were something like 136 at this point. I would try with that in a few days or wait for beta. Also, my hcg beta on 11dp5dt for this pregnancy was considered low. 1st HCG 7dpt was 29. I was 14,18,36,75,145, then 468. you can track your pregnancy and baby's growth, get answers to your toughest questions, and connect with moms, dads, Oct 11, 2023 · LGBTQ+ IVF Success Stories. I read lots of posts on other boards stating false positives with these new curved tests. They were not concerned at that point. Asked clinic to move up beta. Ill have it repeated in 48 hours, but the nurse said to prepare for a miscarriage. Hi please share your success stories please include your age. Other than that, I had fewer symptoms on my BFP cycle than my BFN cycle. I was 36 with an AMH of 7. May 24, 2024 | by Scarjoe65. I would LOVE to hear successful first IVF stories to keep my… Jun 9, 2017 · After a few stops and starts with my retrieval, once we actually got the process started my first IVF round from retrieval to transfer was successful. IVF#1 - September 2011 with PGD on my eggs (Chemical) March 2012 - Septum Surgery for uterine septum & immune testing with Allan Beer & treatments. @IVFWarrior-momoftwins3-11, if u use a digital it only shows urine hcg of 50+. Went in for an early ultrasound and saw a gestational sac only and HCG went from 267 to 1900. Besides, it's not the initial number that matters. I wish you all the very best for your cycle and hope that you end up in the 30%! Fingers crossed for you! Ange xo Nov 24, 2021 · It is supposed to double every 2 days so looks like your numbers are on track. U/S Done at 23dp5dt (6w), shows GS and YS, but measuring 5 days behind. 14 eggs retrieved, out of those 12 mature and 9 fertilized. Aug 27, 2020 · Maybe that’s what you need. My RE started me on Lupron on July 17th, 10 units SQ in A. UPDATE: Pregnant! No symptoms after transfer success stories? m. Baby#3 hcg 29@9dp5dt. daily on July 31st and my last shot was on August 12th. Hi everyone! I got my beta results back yesterday and it was 41. I feel gutted because I have lost 4 pg naturally that started off low hcg. Thankfully no ectopic but had a few Feb 16, 2016 · G. So not entirely successful, the first one was a missed miscarriage at 7 weeks because of a trisomy but the procedure worked with a single embryo. Just to share, my TCM sinseh is Dr Xia Rong from Eu Yang Sang, Paragon. This is my first ivf / fet and I did a 5 day blast transfer. May 29, 2018 · Posted 05-28-18. Feb 5, 2017 · Feb 5, 2017 at 3:24 AM. Apr 6, 2015 · HCG Not doubling. M. I think you’re looking at a true positive! (Unless you have had hcg booster injections since the transfer). My HPTs (both FRER and internet cheapies) showed stark white on 7dp5dt, I was devastated, and I called my clinic to stop the medication. Woke up with period like cramps lasted 15 mins - definitely feel like period is coming. Sep 4, 2020 · Hi everyone! I got my second update so my first beta 10 days post 5 days frozen embryo transfee was 185, 2nd beta 12 days post was 535. My HCG my last pregnancy was 51. Admitted to emergency hospital same day with severe cramps, laparoscopy done for suspected ectopic. I’m 17+4 weeks with the second one. Your HCG doesn’t have to be at the highest level to mean that you’re having a healthy pregnancy. We did PGS testing so a frozen embryo transfer as a result with one 5-day embryo. iv fy ye js dq zf ef zz mp er